Wednesday, March 27, 2013

God is Right Now Preparing People to Visit Church on Easter Sunday

    The Lord is preparing people for church on March 31st, 2013. Many will attend because they were nagged by their relatives while others had a bothersome co-worker inviting them for the umpteenth time. No matter what the reason they will be there this coming Sunday for Easter service. We have got to be ready.

    What will you and God's people do? Are you prepared for the influx? Nelson Searcy and coach to Senior pastors said, "People go to church because of these three main reasons: tension, trouble or transition." Everyone can relate to one of the above motivators. What will you do when they come?
    Let's not try to be cool and miss the mark. it will be our job to serve the crowd what pleases God. The resurrection is enough to minister to the tension people are feeling as they deal with the problems of everyday life. Jesus our Lord rising from the dead is power enough for any trouble people are in. The Spirit raise Jesus up out of that tomb and He can guide your guests and members through every transition they face.

    So, my fellow workers lets get prayed up, prepared to preach the word of God and most of all let's share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Tell your guests that Jesus was crucified on the cross for their sins. That He was buried and three days later He was raised from the grave. He has defeated death, hell and the grave. He invites them to accept the gift of eternal life today. Please brothers, don't miss the gospel mark this coming Sunday. Someone's eternal destiny depends on it.

    He is Risen Indeed,

    The People of NBCC


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